30th Toyota Classics:
Music That Moves Lives
Toyota Classics was an annual charity music tour of Southeast Asia, sponsored by Toyota, and featuring a world-class orchestra. In 2019, the London Chamber Orchestra joined the 30th Toyota Classics, visiting countries such as Malaysia, Laos and Thailand, and performing for local royalty and politicians alike.
The most important part of their journey took place outside the concert hall. Across Southeast Asia, the orchestra spent their time with young people, some of whom were music students, to encourage and inspire them to start their impossible.
Cambodia film
SEA regional film
To date, Toyota Classics has raised more than US$9.5 million for charitable organisations in Asia, showing that music can truly move lives.
Creative Director
Mark Ringer
Creative Group Head
Agnes Lee
Stefanie Conceicao
Pearlyn Ho
Account Management
Jolene Lim and Mayuko Joshita
Production House
(Filming and Photography)
Geronimo Boy Film
Event Management
Nellis Foo, Ivy Lim and Hazwani Halim
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